Andere Entwicklungen

Bei meiner Recherche zum NLnet-Geldtopf bin ich auch noch auf folgende Projekte gestoßen, die alle sehr relevant für uns scheinen:


Simplify aggregation and discovery of places and events

FairSync develops and collects best practices to synchronize maps and events and to federate messengers and identities active in the global movement for sustainability.

See especially Linked Open Actors.

Personal Food Facts

Hier wird eine Datenbank rund ums Essen aufgebaut, die wir evtl. anzapfen können.

Open Food Facts is a collaborative database containing data on 1 million food products from around the world, in open data. This project will allow users of our website, mobile app and our 100+ mobile apps ecosystem, to get personalized search results (food products that match their personal preferences and diet restrictions based on ingredients, allergens, nutritional quality, vegan and vegetarian products, kosher and halal foods etc.) without sacrificing their privacy and having to send those preferences to us.

Folksonomy engine for the food ecosystem

Everybody is interested in the food they eat, by many different aspects, ranging from taste, cost, ingredients and nutrition to its impact on health, the environment and society. We also happen to have many different names for the same food, the way we prepare it and other properties - sometimes only used very locally. That means it is not always easy for everyone to effectively search open data sets like OpenFoodFacts. Open Food Facts - sometimes referred to as the „wikipedia for food products“ - is the biggest open food-database in the world.

The Folksonomy engine for the food ecosystem created within this project will unleash an ocean of new data and uses regarding food. Citizens, researchers, journalists, professionals, artists, communities, and innovators will be able to define and add new properties of their choice to food products on Open Food Facts for their own use or to enrich the shared knowledge. Open Food Facts already feeds hundreds of data reuses. Thousands more will become possible thanks to the new user defined properties.


Platform for creating, publishing and using open local knowledge

OpenEngiadina is developing a platform for open local knowledge – a mashup between a semantic knowledge base (like Wikipedia) and a social network using the ActivityPub protocol. openEngiadina is being developed with small municipalities and local organizations in mind, and wants to explore the intersection of Linked Data and social networks – a ‚semantic social network‘.

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