Root server sharing under supervision of Ecobytes?

@elfpavlik @ArneBo you are more than welcome to move your services and VMs to the Ecobytes ecosystem.

We could of course just buy a root server for you and let you set it up. But imho, this is less ideal from a perspective of optimizing our collective human and machine resources (load distribution, but also services). We currently have 4 root servers (2 to be scrapped soon, as we have spare CPU/RAM/HD capacity on the 2 new machines). As such, we can quickly provide you with VMs using the current infrastructure and get new root servers when the whole ecosystem needs them. This would also save you from trying to put a whole group together, or having to find a replacement of pay more if someone falls down from this small group.

As for the services, yes, certainly, we are happy to incrementaly provide shared services to the community. Mail server is available (although needing a complete migration that is kind of underway), some monitoring tools as well (munin, apticron). However, also on this area we ask for collaboration of members - if you have a need of having service X and can set it up, please say, we discuss, you implement it yourself on the machine we agree that makes the most sense.

As for costs, we have an (individual) standard membership fee of 60 €/year (5 €/month). This is enough to get access to our infrastructure and take part in the decision making process (e.g. on prioritizing the setup of “community hosted services” like Sentry), may not cover the “real cost” of a VM (depending on the needs). So, if you have more you are of course welcome to give more. And if you have less or nothing, you give less or nothing and ask for a special status (ok @elfpavlik ? :smile: ).

Even if each of you becomes a member and gives an additional donation, you will probably end up paying less than 59€/month of that root server you mentioned. We get most of our root servers from hetzner auctions, so we have already manage to significantly reduce the infrastructure costs.

And if all this sounds complicated, just ignore what I wrote and tell us what you need :wink: